Tuesday, May 3, 2016

By Action of the Board

I have attended many more church Board meetings than I have wanted to. That number would be something like all of them. When discussing my curfew, my father used to say, “Nothing good happens after midnight.” My personal experience says he was wrong. But I must say, nothing good happens at a church board meeting.

In my experience, generally speaking, there are too many people on the board, (I once served a church with an average attendance at Sunday worship of 65 and a Board of 66 people.) the group can’t keep on task and stick to the subject being discussed, many people are immature and tend to attack other people instead of attacking the problem the group is seeking to solve. At church board meetings I have endured some of the most hateful personal attacks of my life. In the name of “church business” I have been demeaned, cursed, verbally attacked and threatened with physical harm.

There are several reasons why church boards tend to act in such ways. I will not even attempt to address those issues in this blog. (If you would like to look at those issues I suggest you pick up a copy of my book, RENEW YOUR CONGREGATION; HEALING THE SICK AND RAISING THE DEAD.) Since I discovered a better way to do church, (Including much smaller boards.) church board meetings have become pleasant, invigorating and exciting. For years early in my ministry, as the monthly board meeting date approached, I became increasingly tense and on the evening of a meeting I was usually nauseated. Now I look forward to board meetings.

We had one just this past week I really enjoyed. It was short and to the point, just the way I like them. I have an excellent board chair who runs a great meeting. We start on time, have some prayer, do the business of the church, have a few laughs and head for home. Perfect.

This particular board meeting gave me a new experience I hope I never forget. Church boards do business. That is what they do. A business item is brought up, it is discussed, a motion is made to pass the motion and a vote is taken. In the board meeting this week a motion was made to do nothing. I have known churches that were doing nothing, but that didn’t stop the board from passing motions – from doing business. The issue we were discussing was whether or not to change the worship service time for the summer. We decided not to change the time; just leave it as it is. I thought that took care of it.  But no… someone made a motion to not change the service time and it passed unanimously. We voted to do nothing. And it was unanimous.

That says something, but I am not sure what.

Bill McConnell is the Interim Minister at Norwood Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a Church Transformation consultant and a Christian Leadership Coach. He is a frequent speaker at Church Transformation events. His latest book on church transformation is DEVELOPING A SIGNIFICANT CHURCH and is available at Westbow Press.

He can be contacted @ bill45053@gmail.com. Connect with him on Facebook @ William T. McConnell or on Twitter @billmc45053 or visit his Amazon Author Page @ Amazon

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