For years I have raved on about how much I dislike and
distrust the political establishment. I
am not a Republican because I once was one and they profoundly disappointed me.
I became a Democrat and marched with them until they just flat out disgusted
me. I am not a fan of either party, for good reasons. I have become a bit of a Libertarian,
not so much because I like all of their political stances, but because they
seem to generally tell the truth – something the other parties are either unable
or unwilling to do.
Many people have asked me (a Political Science major)
why the two major political parties nominated two such disliked and distrusted
candidates. I will admit that Donald and Hillary both have a bunch of true
believers in their camps, but there are a huge number of clear thinking
Americans who can’t stand or trust either one of them. For most of the “true
believers” in each camp, the decision to back their respective candidates is
much more an emotional decision and much less a rational decision.
I tried to watch both conventions but could only take
them in small doses. People standing and cheering for such poor candidates who
are being proclaimed as the answer for all that troubles America was just
irksome. Many of the followers of The Trumpster and Her Hillariness struck me
as much like followers of far out religious cults… starry-eyed, out of touch
with reality and just a little bit scary. I have pretty thoroughly studied both
candidates and like a little bit (a very little bit) about each of them, I
honestly wouldn’t vote for either of them. No offense to any true believer
reading this but they are two pitiful people and neither would be a decent
leader of our country. If you are a knee jerk Republican or Democrat, you don’t
like what I have written, but it is still the truth.
I will repeat a question I ask often and have yet to
receive a rational answer. Why does such a huge block of the African American
population continue to constantly and consistently vote the straight Democratic
ticket? Now I realize that the Democratic Party talks incessantly about being
the party that stands with African Americans and is their answer to all the
social ills and issues that beset them. But with all of that said and many
years of Democrats holding office in Washington, the poverty rate among the
Black population has risen more than 3% in the past eight years, up to 27.2%. The
unemployment rate among young African Americans has dropped some but is still outrageously
higher than the rate among the white population. My question to the African
American voter is: Are you only listening to the political rhetoric or have you
bothered to notice if the Democrats have delivered on decades of promises? I am
suggesting that, instead of just listening to empty promises that make you feel
better and voting for the politicians who promise you the moon and fail to
deliver, look around for someone(s) who will really help. I’m I suggesting you
go over to the Republicans? Of course not. They are mired in the same
dysfunctional morass as the Democrats… seeking only power and to be re-elected.
Seriously, do you really think either political party gives a rat’s ass about
you? We are all pawns used to keep them in power. Wake up and think!!! The
solutions will not be found in Washington. The answers will be found in us.
But let me tell you why I like Donald and Bernie. They
both challenged the political systems in their parties. They flew in the face of
the establishment and sought to take it down. Would I vote for either of them –
Oh, Hell No! But I like what they did. They each had a different experience and
outcome. Trump hijacked the Republican party from the Washington inner circle. They
were caught flatfooted. They threw everything they had at him but there were
too many disgusted, disenfranchised, thoroughly ticked off Republicans out
there – far more than they realized. The Washington political inbred family spent
too much of their time talking to and arguing with each other and not enough
time listening to their constituents. They tried to carry on business as usual
and the party regulars said, “I don’t think so. We have had enough.” I like
Donald because he gave the party leaders a good and well deserved butt kicking.
And they, of course, responded by putting on their frowny faces, picking up
their toys and stomping home. Maturity reins.
And then there is Bernie. Dang, he almost made it.
Unfortunately for him, too many of us have been around a long time and we have
seen socialism being tried and failing miserably enough times that we couldn’t
get all that fired up about living in a socialistic state. The present
socialist countries they like to hold up as positive examples haven’t been
around long enough to degenerate into the mess that socialism inevitably slides
into. Human nature (greed and laziness) precludes socialism working for long. Like
many things, socialism is better in theory than in practice. Poor Bernie and
his dewy eyed followers completely underestimated the devastating power of the
Democratic Party machine. He was crushed, ground up and spit out the other end.
His supporters were completely shocked at how he was undermined and
disrespected. Come on people, anyone who understands American politics has
known for eight years that Hillary Clinton was going to be the 2016 nominee of
the Democratic Party, come hell or high water. They owed it to her. She had
earned it. She has been a part of the machine for decades. I give Bernie points
for trying but wonder what possessed him to think he had a chance.
I’m asked if I am excited that a woman was nominated
for President. I would be if the woman nominated had a decent value system and
didn’t treat the people around her like she is above them. My disappointment
has come in seeing Bernie and his followers roll over for the machine that
screwed them out of the nomination and vowed allegiance and support to Hillary.
Their thinking, I am sure, is that she is better than Donald. But she is not.
She is just different. She takes money from the same people he does. She makes
the same kind of outrageous promises that he does. She cares as little for the
average voter as he does. (She just talks a better game.) She has shown herself
to be as inept as he is (No matter what the great truth teller Obama says) and
her trust factor is even lower than his. That in itself is completely
Unfortunately, Bernie also gathered his toys, quit the
Democratic Party and went home. He resigned from the party and went back to
being an Independent. Which is what he should have stayed… and run for
President. This country could use a good third party. Lord, we could just use a
good party.
Copyright © 2016, William T.
McConnell, All Rights Reserved
Bill McConnell is the Interim Minister
at Norwood Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a Church Transformation
consultant and a Christian Leadership Coach. He is a frequent speaker at Church
Transformation events. His latest book on church transformation is DEVELOPING A
SIGNIFICANT CHURCH and is available at Westbow Press.
He can be contacted @ Connect with him on Facebook @ William T.
McConnell or on Twitter
@billmc45053 or visit his Amazon Author Page @ Amazon
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