Thursday, February 14, 2013

Words of Love

It is Valentine’s Day and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my sweetheart.

In the meantime, I am watching all the guys around me do their Valentine things. It is fun to watch because they are so pleased with themselves and proud of what they have done for their wives. I, too, am proud of them.

When it comes to having a relationship with a woman it is important to remember that one “Aw crap!” can wipe out a dozen “Atta boys.” It is imperative that one learn to speak words of love and then shut up. Talking too long will do nothing but get you in trouble. I am reminded of a scene in a recent episode of The Big Bang Theory where Leonard was about to have his way with Penny but found himself out in the hallway mumbling, “She told me to shut up. I should have shut up.” Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. When it is time to quit talking, quit.

I will admit that sometimes the women folk trick us into talking too much. They do it by asking us questions. It could be a simple one like, “What cha thinking?” The correct answer is not, “If I had wanted you to know what I was thinking, I would have been talking.” Nope, wrong answer. You may wonder how I know it is the wrong answer. Just take my word for it. Perhaps she asks the age old question, “Do these pants make my butt look big?” The correct answer is, “No!” And don’t pause before you answer. Notice I have said nothing about speaking the truth. The truth could be, “No, the pants don’t make your butt look big. Your butt makes the pants look big.” Again, just take my word on this, fellas. Perhaps you would do well to NOT mention that she is acting just like her mother. Since her mother is the “angel” who raised her, I have never figured out why these are fighting words. But they are.

Words of love rarely include observations about her body; never include references to her lineage; don’t contain the words: bag, sag, menopause, cranky or wrinkle. I recommend words like: sweetheart, beautiful, perfect, lovely, hot, darling and amazing. I don’t know about your wife, but they describe my wife.

Today I posted two helpful music videos on my Facebook page. They aren’t love songs, per se, but you men might find them helpful in making this a great Valentine’s Day. And, by the way, if reading this is your first inkling that today is Valentine’s Day, there are no words in the English language that will fix the mess you are in. See previous blog.

Enjoy these videos.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Copyright © 2013, William T. McConnell, All Rights Reserved

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