Friday, February 22, 2013

Letters from the 21st Century Church

In conversation with one of my staff, she mentioned that she and some of her young ministerial colleagues were considering writing some thoughts couched in the idea of them being letters from the future church. My only advice (And I did note that she did not ask for any advice. J) was to postmark those letters from third world countries.

In another conversation with a staff member I noted that I struggled with incorporating what I have learned in life lessons and experiences into my thinking without becoming a cynic. How do I think, act and speak honestly without sounding too negative. But (And isn’t there always a but?) when it comes to the church in North America and Europe, how can one be honest and sound any other way than negative. For years it has been reported the 40% of the American population attends church on a weekend. Some pollsters doubted that number. They felt that those asked weren’t being totally honest. So, they decided to count heads for a couple of weekends. They yielded a number of 20.9% of Americans were in church on a weekend. Even those pathetic numbers look good compared to 15% of French citizens, 10% of UK citizens, and 7.5% of Australian citizens. Canada also checks in at around 10%.

On the other hand, Christianity is growing at an astounding rate in 3rd world countries. Because they are difficult to tally and publish, there are no clear percentages of population attendance in developing countries. But the research is clear that Church is exploding with growth in the 3rd world. For the purpose of this short blog, I will not delve into the “why” of that growth, but just note it.

If the decline of the church in developed countries continues and the growth of the church continues in developing countries continues, it seems to me that those letters my staff member was talking about will be postmarked Africa, South America, or China. Not the good old USA. That should give us pause to rethink how and why we do church as we do.

Copyright © 2013, William T. McConnell, All Rights Reserved

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