Thursday, January 11, 2018

Healthy Church

It is my belief that healthy living things naturally grow. Since the church is described as The Body of Christ, we are a living organism. Thus, if a church is healthy, it will naturally grow. Sometimes the church needs a dose of fertilizer and a little bug killer to get to healthy.

All churches seek to grow but most are unhealthy, and some are profoundly dysfunctional. That is why the church in North America is declining so rapidly. Perhaps, because we are so unhealthy, God is allowing us to die and is raising up something new. Somehow, we in the church, seem to think God can’t do without us so the church will remain no matter what. Yes, the church will continue, but probably not look anything like it does today.

Many years ago, I heard a church growth consultant advise a pastor to pray for his people: pray that this group get the vision and grow spiritually and pray that this other group just die. That was just a bit harsh but, unfortunately, probably true. Some of the people who are most detrimental to the wellbeing of the church are many times the most dedicated. Often, they think they are the salvation of the church. They are not. My thought is, if their leadership was so positive and helpful, how did the church become so unhealthy?

Having and being a healthy church is both simple and difficult. It is difficult because it takes a bit of work. It calls for change: and nobody likes change. To move from unhealthy to healthy always causes unhappiness and conflict. And most church leaders avoid conflict at all costs. We have been taught that conflict is a sign of failure instead of the cost of success. And dealing with conflict is emotionally difficult, draining and challenging. It is demanding work and many pastors of today are not up for the challenge.

It is simple because the church must only do five things consistently to remain healthy. Those five things are: Evangelism; Fellowship; Discipleship; Worship and Outreach. Unfortunately, our inclination is to just do one or two of these essential things consistently. I didn’t think that up myself. I read it decades in THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH. That book changed my approach to ministry and how I view success in the local church.

Since the church is really the people who comprise it, the foundation for a healthy church is healthy church members. That means that church members need to do those five things consistently in their individual lives. A church made up of unhealthy members is, by definition, an unhealthy church. Healthy members – healthy church.

Then, to be growing Christians, one needs to be in a Life Group. Life change and spiritual growth happens best in a healthy Life Group. And a healthy Life Group does those five things consistently. Unfortunately, most small groups only do one or two of those things and are, thus, unhealthy. A healthy Life Group consistently worships, has fellowship on a deep level, studies God’s Word, does acts of service together and shares the Cristian life with others.

Then, together, as a church we participate in corporate worship, study the Word, have fellowship and share life, and reach out to our community in service and evangelism.

Simple, but healthy. So, if we hope to grow as a church, we must, as individuals and as a Body, practice these five healthy things.

Copyright © 2018, William T. McConnell, All Rights Reserved

Bill McConnell is the Interim Minister at Norwood Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a Church Transformation consultant and a Christian Leadership Coach. He is a frequent speaker at Church Transformation events. His latest book on church transformation is DEVELOPING A SIGNIFICANT CHURCH and is available at Westbow Press.

He can be contacted @ Connect with him on Facebook @ William T. McConnell or on Twitter @billmc45053 or visit his Amazon Author Page @ Amazon

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