Thursday, June 13, 2013

Too Many Choices

I like simple. Complex and convoluted just does not work for me. I know there are people who just thrive on complicated. They love complex relationships filled with intrigue and drama. They often ask, “I wonder what they really meant by that.” I’m thinking they meant what they said. I like to accept people at face value until they prove to be other than what they claim to be. I am not all that trusting (I have spent years as a counselor and listened to lots of lies.) but I choose to be that simple. I will believe you until you give me sufficient reason to not believe you.

There are colleagues of mine in the ministry who love systematic theology and love to discuss the ins and outs of all areas of theological thought. Me, I am pretty comfortable with “We confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.” My take on theology is if you get Jesus right, the rest will fall into place. And if it doesn’t, it isn’t all that important. If we chase all of the available theological rabbits we will most likely end up somewhere we don’t need to be and tend toward majoring on minor points.

I never fail to be amazed at the issues and doctrines Christians will choose up sides and fight over – to the death. In many of the churches I have attended it seems they have an “enemies list” that is made up mainly of fellow believers who just fail to believe exactly as they believe. A cursory reading of the New Testament makes it abundantly clear to me that churches should not have “enemy lists,” but, instead, lists of people who don’t know God that we need to love on until they figure out that the God they don’t follow just loves them to pieces. God has called the church to be, instead of a group who hates wrong thinking people, an army of lovers and servants. I’m thinking if we spent more time loving and serving we wouldn’t have the time or the energy to debate or hate anyone.

I hate to shop in the mega supermarkets. I am talking about the ones that have food and household items and tools and jewelry and furniture and garden tractors. It just seems wrong to give someone a tour of my house and tell them that my living room furniture came from Kroger’s. I believe the gift would lose value in her eyes if I were to buy my wife a diamond ring from Costco. It is much like getting my cappuccino from a Shell Station. Also, the mega markets offer too much variety. If I am trying to choose a breakfast cereal, please give me ten choices, not 100 choices. Too many choices just drives me to distraction and I tend to leave the store frustrated and cereal-less.

Talk about too many choices. I have been attempting to purchase a new Bible. I am so frustrated I could scream. I have looked at about a zillion Bibles and still haven’t found the one I am looking for. I never thought I would say this and I will probably go to hell for saying it, but there are just too danged many Bibles out there to choose from. Here is partial list of English Translations available:

The King James Version (KJV)

The New King James Version (NKJV)

Revised Standard Version (RSV)

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

The American Standard Version (ASV)

The New American Standard Bible (NASB)

New English Bible (NEB)

Revised English Bible (REB)

New International Version (NIV)

Today’s New International Version (TNIV)

New Living Translation (NLT)

The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

English Standard Version (ESV)

New English Translation (NET)

New World Translation (NWT)

And more. I am guessing all of the “new” and “revised” versions are like movie sequels. There are several books on the market that give advice and counsel on which Bible translation is best for what purpose.

Fortunately I know which translation I prefer – The New International Version. Making that decision, one would think I am done, game over. Oh no. Now I have to decide if I want a Study Bible with lots of notes and references or just a plain Bible. (Being the simple guy, I am not interested in a study Bible.) Do I want tabs to make it easier to find the book I am looking for? Do I want a paperback, a hard cover or a leather cover? What size? Compact or regular? Regular print or small print or large print. What color cover do I want? The process is driving me nuts. I am about to give up.

Say, do you have a Bible I could borrow?

Copyright© 2013, William T. McConnell, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Pastor Tim said...

Yes simple is best sometimes. We tend to get excited about everything but Jesus. I figure Jesus has the answers I need. Oh I might enjoy discussing theology every once in awhile but I get much more excited about loving people and loving God. Sometimes I think we just need to lighten up! We are God's children and that's good enough for me!